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Here's the scoop...
San Francisco, California, (PRWEB) January 2, 2008

The Truth Behind National Treasure Book Of Secrets

Will the Real Ben Gates please stand up, Dan Dillman the Grandson of "Ray Dillman" a treasure hunter/researcher who first initiated his family's quest for Montezuma's Treasure and the Lost City of Gold, has produced an 80-minute documentary, " Secrets Of The Stone Tablets In Search Of Montezuma's Treasure" with historically accurate information, 3D re-enactments, photos, interviews, and newly discovered Artifacts with profound new theories about the Aztec's, early Spanish Explorers Hernando Cortes, Coronado, Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca and the now famous Explorer "Esteban" Estevenico The Black as mentioned in the Nicolas Cage movie National Treasure Book of Secrets.

Dan Dillman, a treasure hunter researcher and explorer from California is presenting to the world evidence that the Peralta Stone Tablets discovered in 1949 are authentic and asserts his grandfathers theories that the Stone Tablets were created by Cabeza De Vaca and Estevenico. The DVD provides extensive facts and evidence that these stone tablets are authentic and lead to several archaeological sites in the American Southwest including the possible burial site of the famed Navigator/Explorer "Estevenico The Black" and may soon reveal the location of "Montezuma's Treasure, Aztlan and The fabled Seven City's Of Gold", that early Spanish Explorers like Hernando Cortes, Coronado and now Nicolas Cage as "Ben Gates" in the new Blockbuster Movie "National Treasure, Book Of Secrets", have sought to obtain for more than five hundred years.

Dan Dillman states; I was excited to see that the New National Treasure Movie is partly based on the facts and information provided in our Documentary, Secrets Of The Stone Tablets, In Search Of Montezuma's Treasure. The success of National Treasure, Book Of Secrets, can only help to promote our DVD and at the same time allow us to educate and expound upon all the detail left out of the fictional film in regards to Estevenico and the Lost City Of Gold. I am very proud to be bringing our amazing family quest for truth to the attention of the world in the hopes of enlightening and inspiring children and families to the fact that America is full of undiscovered treasures, truth and mysteries waiting to be unearthed. Myself and other prominent researchers believe that the four corners area of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico are the Americas very own Valley of the Kings. Dan Dillman also hopes to raise funds from the sales of the DVD to continue his research and document his expeditions into the American Southwest using his Grandfathers research to find truth and the hidden treasures and secrets of the Americas, the Aztecs, and pinpoint the location of "Aztlan, The Lost City Of Gold and Montezuma's Treasure".

Currently the family along with a scientific team assembled by Dan Dillman have embarked on several new expeditions into the Southwest utilizing only his Grandfathers notes and research, that they say will ultimately reveal more clues and evidence to the possible whereabouts of the lost treasure of Montezuma and the location of the mythical Aztec homeland "Aztlan", and The Lost City Of Gold and by doing so fulfill his grandfathers dreams of completing the mission he started over 40 years ago. Secrets of The Stone Tablets In Search Of Montezuma's Treasure, is Available for purchase at and other participating retailers. Dan Dillman is available for interviews and lectures worldwide. For more information contact

Xzault Media Group, is a privately held production company Located in the San Francisco BayArea, owned by Ralph Tresvant "The World Renowned Entertainer and Lead Singer of Legendary Super Group New Edition," Dan Dillman, Charles Richardson and Dan Bell.

Ralph Has a NEW  CD out called Rizz WA Fair


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